Saturday, September 17, 2011

2011 Great Frederick Fair

I decided that I needed to enter my favorite shawl into the fair this year. And while I was at it (and since you had to buy a $10 ticket and could enter 3 things for that fee), I bought 2 tickets and entered 6 things.
I entered my favorite whole wheat/oatmeal rolls and my Mom's peanut butter fudge. They each took second place in their categories.

I entered my first completed garment made with my own spun yarn. It got a third place which is pretty remarkable considering how badly it is spun.

A scarf named Anjou because of the pear shaped images in the lace around the edges got a red ribbon for second place.

A green Huggable Hedgehog got a blue ribbon.

The Jaali shawl which started life as a test knit for Kitman Figuero won, not only a blue ribbon, but THE BEST OF SHOW for the adult and children knit apparel category. Gotta love how they've got it displayed. But it IS a country style fair. I may decide to pin that ribbon on the front next time I wear it. LOL